Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday October 23, 2008

Q: What is your Diagnosis?

Answer: Right pulmonary vein aneurysm (PVA)

Congenital PVA may progressively increase in size over the years and may rupture. Pulmonary venous aneurysm may occur as a component of congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVMN) or traumatic pulmonary arteriovenous pseuodoaneurysm (PAP). symptoms iclude hypoxia, congestive heart failure, hemoptysis and cerebral abscess. Pulmonary venous aneurysm may also be acquired and is known to be associated with rheumatic mitral insufficiency.

All these lesions may present as a mediastinal mass. Computed tomography, echocardiography and angiography usually help to differentiate from other vascular lesions.